Since the end of world war ii, the yearly incidence of any type of armed conflict has
Since the end of world war ii, the yearly incidence of any type of armed conflict has

since the end of world war ii, the yearly incidence of any type of armed conflict has

Underlining, in that regard, the importance of the full, equal and meaningful participation of women, he called for their inclusion - along with youth - in capacity-building efforts at all levels. Muhammad Abdul Muhith (Bangladesh), Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, also stressed that inclusivity is key to advancing national peacebuilding processes and objectives, as it ensures that the needs of all segments of society are considered. “When we fail to meet the development needs of our time, we fail to secure peace for our future,” she said, urging the Council to consider the fundamental role of sustainable development in securing peace for current and future generations. Stressing that investments in development, people, human security and shared prosperity are also investments in peace, she noted, however, that such investments have fallen short in recent years. It is the only reliable tool with which to break through cycles of instability and address the underlying drivers of fragility and humanitarian need. “There is only one route to durable peace,” she stressed - the route of sustainable development. Recalling the Secretary-General’s words that “the world is at a key inflection point in history,” she underscored the need to rethink efforts to achieve sustainable peace. Six out of seven worldwide are plagued by feelings of insecurity, the world is facing the highest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War and 2 billion people - a quarter of humanity - live in places affected by such conflict. Mohammed, stating that peace - the United Nations’ raison d’être - “is now under grave threat”, observed that people’s sense of safety and security is at an all-time low in almost every country. Against a backdrop of the highest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War and a consequent, pervasive sense of insecurity around the world, the United Nations must rethink its efforts to achieve sustainable peace, the Security Council heard today, as speakers presented suggestions to that end during an open debate on investing in people to enhance resilience against complex challenges in the context of building and sustaining peace.ĭeputy Secretary-General Amina J.

Since the end of world war ii, the yearly incidence of any type of armed conflict has